This was about 2,500 m above sea level, and in a very (obviously!) humid forest. I was hiking the trail with my field technician, Rose Ragai, and we noticed the fog move in like a wave. We first checked no zombies were emerging. Luckily not, just a few 'vampires' or leeches that are much more abundant when their is rain or in this case humidity clouds!
During our six elevational gradients on Mount Kinabalu we trapped small mammals in lowland dipterocarp forest (the predominant tree type in SE Asian rainforests), lower montane forest, montane (as shown in this photograph), and even subalpine forests at 3,200 m above sea level. The mammal communities change significantly across these habitat types.
Below is a link to the May 2015 issue!
The next goal is a cover image for one of my first author papers!